LoginRadius API Core Release V22.5.0

We have just launched the LoginRadius API V2 Core Release 22.5.0. Several existing features are improved, and new functionalities are added to broaden the range of support for your needs.

Change Log


Unlock API: We have added this new API to allow customers with a valid session to unlock their accounts with an access_token. Click here for more information.

Forgot Password API: A new endpoint has been added to the Account API; calls can now be made to trigger the sending of a Forgot Password email with your LoginRadius api key and secret.click here for more information.

IPv6: Support for IPv6 has now been added to the Core API platform

Temporary Configuration: We have added Temporary Configurations to application configuration settings to buffer breaking changes in existing implementation.


Better error messages for One-touch log-in and Smart log-in.

Smart log-in and One-touch log-in APIs: Now with better error messages and support for “OTP Email Verification” feature.

Duplicate email ID and unique username workflow support: All APIs now support the OTP Email Verification feature with the “Allow duplicate email ID and unique username” workflow enabled.Click here for more information.

Expanded lockout support: Google Authenticator, Change Password, Login By Back-up Code, and Re-Auth API endpoints will now increment failed attempts and result in lockout after threshold is reached.

Password Policy: Added password policy to Auth Update Account API.

Duplicate Account Prevention: Customers who have registered with their emails will not be able to perform social login with Social Provider accounts registered under the same email.


Select error responses now returning X-LoginRadius-Server header as expected.

The Account Management Update Profile API will retain correct login lockout flag.click here for more information

Customers who have already verified their phone numbers will no longer be asked to validate their phone numbers by the Login API.click here for more information

Issues with phone number format validation are now resolved.

Add Email API is now using the configured email settings.

First Login field gets a value upon login if you have the email verification workflow enabled.