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Mobile SDK

Mobile SDKs follow a similar approach like web-based SDKs, but the mobile SDKs provide native implementation methods in the respective mobile platforms like Android, iOS, Xamarin, PhoneGap, and Ionic.

LoginRadius provides a set of mobile libraries that can help you integrate the LoginRadius social login and registration features into your desired mobile technology-based application. These are open source and use technologies such as REST API and OAuth 2.0. The basic characteristics which you can find in all LoginRadius mobile SDKs are as below:

  • Scalability
  • Capability
  • High-performance
  • Data usage with security
  • Logging

The LoginRadius supported mobile SDKs are listed below:

Mobile LibrarySDK Reference DocumentGitHub Reference Link
AndroidAndroid Library GuideSDK and GitHub reference
IonicIonic Library GuideSDK and GitHub reference
Ionic 2Ionic 2 Library GuideSDK and GitHub reference
iOSiOS Library GuideSDK and GitHub reference
PhoneGapPhoneGap Library GuideSDK and GitHub reference
XamarinXamarin Library GuideSDK and GitHub reference
React NativeReact Native Library GuideSDK and GitHub reference