LoginRadius Support
Whether you are curious about a specific LoginRadius feature or facing challenges while using/implementing them, you can always reach out to the LoginRadius Support team via one of the available channels. Our Support team is available 24*7*365 to ensure any questions that you have are answered.
In the following sections, you will find detailed information regarding the available options.
Self Serve Support
The core elements of self-serve customer support are the LoginRadius knowledge centers and help documentation. They can help to quickly address your queries directly through our comprehensive library of documents. Below are the tools that are included in this category.
Quick Links
In the LoginRadius Admin Console, we have provided you with relevant documentation for each section and page with which you interact. The quick links option is available under the Help Widget. S
If the information you are looking for is not available in the quick links, you can search the related document using the search option under the help widget.
Support Docs
In addition to the Help Widget under the LoginRadius Admin Console, you can look for the required documentation in our public documentation. Navigate to the support documentation from the Admin Console itself by clicking on the Support Docs Icon.
If you are not logged in to the Admin Console and want to look at the available documentation, you can directly navigate the documentation. Here you can learn how to implement the LoginRadius Identity Platform for your application, access comprehensive guides, including quick-starts, implementation tutorials, example code, features, and more.
If you want to search for any specific term/feature, you can also use the document search directly in the public support documentation.
If you are specifically looking for information regarding the APIs, please check the next section of API Docs.
API Docs
You can navigate to the API documentation from The Admin Console itself by clicking on the API Docs Icon. The API Reference contains all the essential documents and technical specifications regarding the REST APIs, process flows, resources, and available tools to configure and implement the LoginRadius platform to meet your business requirements.
These comprehensive articles will assist you in incorporating the various platform features offered by the LoginRadius CIAM Platform. You can also directly navigate to the API documentation by clicking here.
If you still haven't found the solution you are looking for, feel free to engage with us at any time using any of the following methods. LoginRadius support team is available 24X7 to answer your questions.
Support Ticket
You can raise a support ticket for your queries, concerns, or issues via the Admin Console Support option.
Create a new support ticket
Step 1: Go to the Admin Console and click on the Get Support Open A New Ticket
Step 2: Choose the Ticket Category and the Site Name from the dropdown menu.
Step 3: After that, you will be asked to select the Team members you would like to access the generated support ticket.
Note: By default, the owner of a site is able to access all tickets raised by the team members.
Step 4: Under Priority, select a severity level that best fits your case and choose the relevant Site Environment from the dropdown menu.
Note: Add the Website URL if you are reporting an issue, which can be replicated via the site URL, as this will help us investigate the reported concern.
Priority Level | Description | Example |
Urgent | Application outage or site unavailable; end users cannot perform job function; severe business impact. |
High | Application function or site unavailable; end-user can't perform job function; high impact on internal business processes. |
Normal | LoginRadius API and/or service has reduced functionality and/or performance. |
Low | Non-production issues or general questions |
Step 5: Provide a clear summary of the question or issue in the Ticket Subject field.
Step 6: In the Ticket Description box, provide as much information as possible about the issue in specific details. This information will help us to troubleshoot the problem quickly and provide a solution. When writing the description, try to include the following information when it fits the challenge, concern, or query:
What is your use case?
Share the exact steps to replicate the problem.
After/when did things go wrong/changed?
If you see any error message on your application, browser console, or browser network response, Take the screenshot or video of the errors and share it.
Are you trying a new configuration, or has this worked before?
Does this behavior occur for all users or just specific users or a few of them? If so, then share the physical location and Browser/OS version.
Troubleshooting steps you have used, for example, checked in Incognito mode other browsers, network, etc
Step 7: When you have completed all the fields and details of the issue, click SUBMIT.
Once a support ticket is submitted, you will receive a confirmation email that the ticket has been created. A LoginRadius support engineer will be assigned based on the level of urgency, and you will receive updates on the ticket via email once the engineer starts working on it.
Managing existing tickets
You can manage your tickets under the Existing tickets tab and view the tickets by clicking on the See The Ticket button and the latest responses/updates.
Please follow the below steps to access the Existing tickets.
Step 1: Go to the Admin Console, then navigate to Get Support > Existing Tickets.
Step 2: Click on See The Ticket button to view the ticket.
Step 3: Add details into the text box and then click Submit. If you are the ticket requester and the ticket is assigned to an agent but is not solved or closed, you have the option to change the status of your ticket to Solved by checking the Mark as Solved & Submit box next to the Submit button.
Responding via emails: Whenever the support team replies, you can check all the responses and updates in your email inbox, so it’s not mandatory to answer from the Admin Console. You can simply respond via email. You can identify the ticket with the ticket reference number and the subject line you have provided while creating the ticket.
Working with Closed tickets
If the reported ticket has been closed, but you still want to continue working with LoginRadius on the reported issue, you can always create a new Support ticket. Don't forget to include the reference number for the original ticket(s), if any.
Live Chat
We also provide real-time support via Live chat. If you have any quick questions or concerns, you can always chat with us. We're here to help! Log in to your Admin Console and click on the Get Support, then click on Live Chat.
For quick, general, or verification-type questions, you can chat with a LoginRadius Support Team member by clicking the blue help icon on the Admin Console’s bottom right -> choose Live Chat.
Open a New Chat
You can initiate a new chat conversation with the following steps.
Step 1: Go to Admin Console, and click on Get Support > Live Chat. The following screen will appear.
Step 2: Click on the Send us a message button
Step 3: Type your quick query or concern in the Send a message text box with the detailed description, and then send it.
Try to include the following information when it fits the challenges, concerns, or queries:
What is your Site Name?
What is your use case?
What exactly are you trying to do? Share the exact steps to replicate the problem.
When did things change?
If you have encountered error messages or can capture screenshots that show the problem, include them.
Are you trying a new configuration, or has this worked before?
Once you have sent the message, the chat will be assigned to an available Support member shortly, and you can start the conversation further.
Reopen Chat
If you want to resume a chat session that you have recently had, you can initiate the previous chat again by clicking on See All Your conversations on the chatbox as shown below.
To close a Live chat, you can simply click on the X at the upper right-hand corner of the chatbox.
Phone Support
LoginRadius also offers 24X7 Phone Support to our customers for quick resolution and escalation of production issues.
Please refer to the escalation handbook for the phone support number and relevant process.
Support Escalation
Suppose the above methods have not accurately addressed your concerns, or you would like to engage more closely with our teams. In that case, your LoginRadius dedicated Customer Success and implementation team will be happy to assist you. Feel free to contact your dedicated team or your executive sponsor to escalate any tickets or concerns you may have.
Please refer to the escalation handbook provided to you for more details on the available escalation channels.