loginradiusloginradius Blog

What is Silver SAML Vulnerability and How Can We Protect Our Digital Identities?

This blog explores the Silver SAML vulnerability and its significance in protecting digital identities. From SAML basics to mitigation tactics, it provides essential insights for safeguarding against cyber threats.

Alok Patidar
By Alok Patidar
April 29, 2024
2 min read

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How to Set Up Two-factor Authentication on All Your Online Accounts?

2FA is one of the best security methods that use two layers to verify a consumer’s identity. This means, rather than simply entering the password to log into an account, two-factor authentication requires a code to be sent via text message to a consumer's phone number or generated through an app

Deepak Gupta
By Deepak Gupta
January 12, 2021
10 min read

What is Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is the process of leveraging digital technology to develop new business processes and consumer experiences to meet the changing market dynamics or to alter the existing ones. So, has the dynamics changed with the COVID-19 pandemic? You are about to find out.

Rakesh Soni
By Rakesh Soni
January 11, 2021
15 min read

The Do's and Don'ts of Choosing a Secure Password

Passwords are the digital keys to our daily lives. They are the gateway to our professional services, and our network of friends. So, what does a secure password look like? Here is a collection of the do's and don't on how to choose a strong password to avoid being a victim of cyberattack.

Deepak Gupta
By Deepak Gupta
January 06, 2021
12 min read

How To Secure Your Contact Form From Bot Attacks

It is no surprise that the contact form attracts a lot of bot attacks. Hackers not only create false traffic, but also result in malicious attacks on websites. The objective of this blog is to help you to secure contact form from random audacious attacks.

Deepak Gupta
By Deepak Gupta
December 24, 2020
5 min read

What is Identity Proofing and Why is it Important?

Identity proofing is the process of verifying that the claimed identity of a person matches their actual identity. You’ve probably undergone this process a bunch of times yourself at hotels, financial institutions, and for retailers.

Deepak Gupta
By Deepak Gupta
December 18, 2020
5 min read

What is Identity Governance & Administration?

Needless to mention, the question of relevant certification of access to specified stakeholders also applies. In an increasingly agility-intensive and virtual work environment, identity governance seems immensely relevant with the automation of policy management and auditing, adding to its benefit.

Deepak Gupta
By Deepak Gupta
December 16, 2020
5 min read

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