New Features In Our Core Release Version 15.0
Mar 2017

The LoginRadius team is proud to announce the new Core API release, version 15.0. This new release focuses on experience enhancements with the LoginRadius API.
Please see below for our list of new features and enhancement:

  • SHA256 Algorithm: We have added the new SHA256 algorithm to our supported password algorithms.
  • Change/Update Password Encryption Algorithm: You can now change your existing password algorithm without affecting your user’s current passwords.
  • BirthDate Field Format: The BirthDate Field in our APIs V1 and V2 have now been standardized and need to be formatted one of the following ways: valid date format is”mm-dd-yyyy”, “mm/dd/yyyy”, “m-d-yyyy”, “m/d/yyyy”
  • Disabled JavaScript fallback on hosted: If JavaScript is disabled on the user’s browser, then they will be redirected to a hosted page.
  • HTML Email and Text Email: Added new field named ‘TextTemplate’ in Raas Email Config EmailTemplates. We will send both HTML and text template emails if the text template is configured.
  • Login Lockout: If a user fails to login with their password multiple times, their account will be temporarily locked. You have the ability to customize the number of failed login attempts allowed before the account is locked.
  • Custom OAuth Provider: Our custom OAuth provider feature now allows custom field mapping and a custom header.
  • Custom validation RegEx now supports “or”: You can now use “or” in your custom validation RegEx.

    Email/SMS Request Limit Exceeded Changes:

  • 1. There will be an error message from the API if the email sending limit is exceeded.
  • 2. The Invalidate Email (Reset Email Verification API) is an admin feature, and will work regardless of the email limit.
  • Improvements:

      HttpStatusCodes Changed in V2:

    • The status codes in our API V2 beta have been revamped for ease of usage.
      • Age Field Auto Update:

      • The Age field will now be automatically updated in both API V1 and API V2 based on the user’s BirthDate.

Please reach out to support or live-chat for general inquiries and assistance regarding the implementation of the new features and enhancements.