LoginRadius Social Platform November Update
Nov 2014

It’s essential to stay on top of any technical changes and product development to ensure that you don’t miss new LoginRadius social platform features that may help your business.

To help you keep up with the product updates, I have created a brief summary of  the most important upgrades and changes made by social ID providers, LoginRadius and others. These are all changes that you may find interesting or useful as a current LoginRadius customer.

Read on to get the lowdown on what’s changed in the past month.

1. Addition of new ID providers

We have added two new ID providers to our family and now have a total of 33 Social ID providers and email clients. We’ll be providing all the social profile data points for these new ID providers. To see the detailed listing, visit our social profile data section.

a. Xing

Xing is widely used in European countries (especially in Germany) as an alternative for LinkedIn. They have 6.3 million registered users.

Website : https://www.xing.com/
Wikipedia : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XING

You can enable Xing to your LoginRadius user account. Here are the steps to configure the login with Xing: https://docs.loginradius.com/development/social-network/configure-social-apps#step-by-step-approval-guide

b. Mail.Ru

Mail.Ru is a famous email sevice provider which is popular in Russia and neighbouring countries. They have well over 30 million registered users.

Website : https://mail.ru/
Wikipedia : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mail.Ru

You can enable mail.ru to your LoginRadius user account. Here are the steps to configure the login with mail.ru: https://docs.loginradius.com/development/social-network/configure-social-apps#step-by-step-approval-guide

2. User profile data addition

We are continuously adding more user profile data points to provide more information about your users and allow you to provide them with a more personalized web experience on your site. We have added two fields to LoginRadius’ user profile data set for the user’s profile images:

a. Gravatar image url

We have added Gravatar, a globally recognized avatar to our user profile data set. It would provide users current profile image in addition to their social profile image.

b. Multiple images as array

We have also added different size of user profile images, so now you have an option to pick and use any one you like in your web/mobile application.

Here is the list of full profile data set: https://www.loginradius.com/datapoints

3. RestHook

We have developed a Rest Hook protocol that you can use after getting access from the LoginRadius API. With RestHook, you can pull real-time data to you through any 3rd party integration application. Please contact our team, If you want access to this new feature with your application.

4. Additional customization parameters during social login

Our goal is to give you full control during the social login process on your website with user interface and user experience. To get to this goal, we have developed a few options to control the user experience (UX) of the social login process.

You can now:

a. Enable/disable option for ‘connecting’ text on social login theme

b. Enable/disable option for ‘connecting’ image inside login popup

c. Custom ‘connect’ image option during social login callback process

d. Custom ‘favicon’ option for login popup for OpenID protocol

Now you can have full control over user experience during authentication using a pre-defined social login theme.

5. New version of the Prestashop social login and social sharing plugin


We are improving our social plugins based on the new additions in our API and are also adding new features. We have released a new plugin version 3.0 that will support the latest Prestashop version-1.6 and would have the backward compatibility with Prestashop version-1.5.

What’s new in Social Login and Social Sharing v3 for Prestashop?

  • Improved performance with API calls
  • Added responsive interface for social login
  • Added responsive layout for social sharing interface
  • Added new ID providers – Xing and mail.ru
  • Added customization features with user experience of social login with Prestashop

Please update your existing Prestashop plugin using the Download link.

6. Support docs and implementation guides

Last but not least, we continue to update our support documents and implementation guides. We have updated our support docs and added additional information, including best practices for LoginRadius implementation with screenshots.

We are always looking for feedback and any additional features you would be looking for in our unified social API, so please comment below.