Android SDK Release Version 4.0.0
We’ve recently made major changes to our LoginRadius Android SDK, we are rolling out a restructuring of the API calls and methods to increase the ease of use. If you’re coming over from v3.x.x or less this means there are some breaking changes and additional changes will need to be made.
Here’s the list of Enhancements:
- Restructuring of API calls and methods.
- Initialize required values with LoginRadiusSDK.Initialize class.
- Added LoginRadiusSDK.NativeLogin and LoginRadiusSDK.WebLogin classes for better social login usage.
- Added constant strings for social providers.
- SOTT as header in Registration API
- Added password strength indicator field in Profile class
- Added Vkontakte native login
- Added more APIs
For the full list of technical details on this release please see our release notes in the GitHub repo for the Android SDK.
We have also updated our documentation relating to the Android SDK in our API Docs.
Please reach out to support or live-chat for general inquiries and assistance regarding the implementation of the new features and enhancements.