loginradiusloginradius Blog

How Chrome’s Third-Party Cookie Restrictions Affect User Authentication?

Google Chrome has planned to phase out third-party cookies, which will affect different website functionalities depending on third-party cookies. This blog focuses on how this phase-out affects identity and user authentication and discusses alternatives for overcoming challenges.

Raghunath Reddy
By Raghunath Reddy
July 08, 2024
6 min read

LoginRadius CIAM Platform

Our Product Experts will show you the power of the LoginRadius CIAM platform, discuss use-cases, and prove out ROI for your business.

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What is an API

An API is an acronym for Application Programming Interface. API's include various tools, protocols, and routines. API's are used as a way…

Zoie Carnegie
By Zoie Carnegie
June 23, 2015
2 min read

Styling Radio and Check buttons with CSS

Let's face it, at some point you look at a radio or a checkbox button and you're like... this looks like something that starts with an "s…

Team LoginRadius
By Team LoginRadius
June 16, 2015
4 min read

Configuring Your Social Sharing Buttons

Social sharing button offers an easy way to distribute your content to a wider audience. The major social providers allow options to…

Karl Wittig
By Karl Wittig
June 09, 2015
2 min read

Shopify Embedded App

Recently, I was working on an implementation to build an embedded app on Shopify with PHP. I realized that the 3rd party PHP SDK recommended…

Lucius Yu
By Lucius Yu
June 02, 2015
2 min read

API Debugging Tools

Are you having trouble with accessing API endpoint? Unsure why your API is not returning data? Most modern browsers have tools or plugins…

Karl Wittig
By Karl Wittig
May 26, 2015
2 min read

Use PHP to generate filter portfolio

Overview Filter Portfolio can be very useful for websites, especially when there is a lot of images you want to show to users. It is always…

Lucius Yu
By Lucius Yu
May 19, 2015
3 min read