The Changing Role of Identity Management in Enterprise Decision-Making

The increasingly sophisticated audience now considers digital interactions as the sole mechanism for interacting with brands. Let’s learn how an identity management solution helps these brands to deliver rich user experiences backed by adequate data security.

Vishal Sharma
By Vishal Sharma
May 11, 2021
3 min read

In an era, when every business is gearing up for a digital transformation journey to thrive productivity and scalability, the role of identity management can’t be overlooked.

Whether we talk about user experience or data privacy and security, identity management can do wonders for online businesses striving for business growth.

You might be thinking about identity management from a security perspective, and surprisingly, many of you won’t even consider its importance for your business.

Well, leading identity management software are reinforcing online businesses by not just offering data security and privacy but eventually helping them increase their client base, get more subscriptions, and enhanced sign-ups.

The way companies operate and present themselves in the digital world is perhaps the key to business success.

Let’s learn how identity management is shaping decision-making for diverse enterprises.

Consumer Experience

With decision making at the users’ end becoming a matter of seconds, consumer identity and access management is the heart of delivering the best consumer experience.

Believe it or not, if you’re able to offer the best consumer experience to your targeted audience, you’re almost on the verge of digitally transforming your business.

With new rules, possibilities, and access management, digital technologies are paving the path for superior user experience, which is undoubtedly the need of the hour.

The increasingly sophisticated audience now considers digital interactions as the sole mechanism for interacting with businesses and established brands and expects enhanced online relationships that are delivered seamlessly and modestly.

In a nutshell, an enterprise cannot even think of digital growth without leveraging a consumer identity and access management solution, which helps brands deliver a flawless user experience without compromising on security.

Data Privacy and Security

While the total number of data breaches rapidly surging across the globe, consumers do expect adequate control around how a business collects, stores, and manages its profile data.

Since your competitors are just a click away, you need to ensure that you’re delivering the most secure environment to your audience and that too backed by a great user experience.

Sure enough, you won’t expect your brand image gets tarnished just because you were unable to secure consumer data.

There are many examples where industry leaders have to face losses worth millions due just because their clients’ data was exposed to unauthorized professionals.

With a consumer identity and access management (CIAM) solution in place, a brand can be sure enough that their consumers’ data and privacy is secured.

This not only helps in building trust over potential clients but eventually lends a hand in maintaining a brand image in the market.

So, next time you’re thinking of delivering a rich consumer experience with the highest level of data security, get a CIAM in place.


Consumer On-Boarding

Admit it, if your potential client isn’t finding it easier to sign-up on your website or application, or unable to understand the value that you’ll offer, they’ll surely inch towards your competitors.

Every product is unique, and how your business is going to handle the onboarding process will help you to know about your users, their needs, and how your product is going to stay with them.

Once you get a client sign-up for your services, the next big step is to gather the information in a way that doesn’t hamper client experience.

Since you can’t force your client or potential consumer to provide a lot of details in a single form, which always affects sign-up rates, you need a smart onboarding solution for the same.

Progressive profiling in a CIAM solution through multi-step registration is proven to be a game-changer for businesses struggling with adequate traffic but no conversions.

Progressive profiling for consumer registration and onboarding allows you to split a potentially complicated registration process into multiple easy steps. You can capture a client’s information upfront and then slowly build out a holistic view of that consumer through subsequent actions.

Final Thoughts

The modern epoch has significantly offered new horizons to businesses for scaling growth while they walk on a path for digital transformation.

Consumer identity and access management solutions help businesses achieve their goals through delivering a seamless user experience to their clients and ensuring the highest level of security.

In simple words, a modern CIAM solution is undoubtedly paving the path for a rich consumer experience that leads to more subscriptions and sign-ups.

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Vishal Sharma

Written by Vishal Sharma

Vishal Sharma - a writer by day and a reader by night, is working as a Sr. Content Writer at LoginRadius. With a demonstrated history of thriving business success through sustainable marketing tactics, he ensures high-quality & valuable content is distributed across diverse channels. When not writing, you can find him watching a movie or maybe, reading a book.

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